Course Director: TBD
Next Offering: TBD
The course is designed to provide introductory coverage of data science and machine learning that is tailored for power engineering applications. The electricity industry is transforming itself from a hierarchical, passive, and sparsely-sensed engineering system into a flat, active, and ubiquitously-sensed cyber-physical system. The emerging multi-scale data from synchrophasors, smart meters, weather, and electricity markets offers tremendous opportunities as well as challenges for the industry to dynamically learn and adaptively control a smart grid. This training introduces the foundation of high dimensional spaces and data analytical tools necessary to model and operate a modern power system. We will introduce a suite of tools for statistical time series analysis and dimensionality reduction. We will discuss the differences between first principle models and data-driven models in real-time operations. Discussions and computer-based simulation projects will prepare the participants to understand better how to integrate data-driven and physics-based reasoning in modern power systems.
(Hours: CEU 1.8, PDH 18).
Who Should Attend
It is ideally suited for those who work in areas associated with the electric grid and need to better understand the latest advance in data sciences and machine learning and how their work might be affected by this change.
This course counts toward the Texas A&M Certificate in Electrical Power Engineering.
- Grid Operation Basics
- Intro to Data Availability in Power Systems
- High Dimensional Space
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- Application of SVD in Power System Anomaly Detection
- Application of SVD in Bad Data Processing for State Estimation
- Neural Nets
- Machine Learning
- Application of Learning in Smart Meter Data
- Reinforcement Learning
- Statistical Time Series
- Application of Time Series Analysis in Renewable Forecasting
- Application of Time Series Analysis in Distribution Systems
- Model Identification
Dates and Times: TBD
Location: Texas A&M Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR), 1041 RELLIS Parkway, Bryan TX
Air Transportation:
Direct flights available at the Texas A&M Easterwood Airport (CLL) from Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) on American and Houston (IAH) on United.
Other airports within driving distance: Austin (AUS) and Houston (IAH), both about two hours away
May rent car or use shuttle service: Airport Ground Shuttle
Registration Cost: $1400. Discount of 25% is available for employees of Smart Grid Center member companies. For more information on the discount, contact
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